A 99.9% Server Uptime

Our website hosting platform is based on a secure, top–quality hardware architecture and a strongly tweaked version of Linux. This is why, no matter what your website is, or how many website visitors you’ve got, or even if there is a denial–of–service assault, our physical servers will stay up and running and your websites will remain visible online.

Our website hosting packages include a 99.9% server uptime guarantee. And regardless of which datacenter you select, our uptime guarantee stays the same.

A 99.9% Server Uptime

A 99.9% Network Uptime

When you develop your very own cloud hosting system, it is crucial that you also set up your own network infrastructure. That’s the reason why we built a custom–configured internal network in each one of our data centers. Based on first–class Juniper switches and routers, our internal network allows for faster–than–the–speed–of–sound data transmission rates and is also completely redundant.

Because of this, you will take advantage of a 99.9% network uptime in our US datacenter, in our UK datacenter, in our FI datacenter, in our Eastern Europe datacenter and in our AU datacenter, no matter which web hosting service you’ve chosen.

A 99.9% Network Uptime

A 30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

Regardless of the fact that we have done just about everything to lower all possible risks with our cloud hosting plans and even though our company provides topflight customer support, there are instances when the customer is just not content with what we offer. Or he wants to upgrade to a more powerful hosting solution, such as a VPS server or a dedicated server.

That is the reason why we offer a 30–day money–back guarantee with each of our cloud hosting plans, no questions asked. If you’re not fully pleased, you will get a reimbursement.

A 30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

24/7 Technical Support

If you’ve ever had to wait around for hours to get a response, you know how exasperating this can be, especially when your web site is at stake. This is exactly why we offer a 24x7 support service with a 1–hour response time guarantee. No matter what happens or what holiday it is – our techs will be here and they will reply to you in less than one hour. And the best part is that their average ticket response time is below twenty minutes!

24/7 Technical Support