What exactly is IonCube? Why is it present on almost every present-day server running PHP?
In order to avoid the reverse engineering of script applications, numerous developers encode their program code with tools like ionCube PHP Encoder and make it human unreadable. The latter is valid for paid applications in particular, since anyone could possibly use and modify the unencrypted code without having to pay the necessary license fees. If you purchase web software encoded with ionCube PHP Encoder, you'll be able to use it without any problems as long as a tool called ionCube Loader is available on the website hosting server. This loader allows you to run encoded files and you'll often notice it as one of the prerequisites for a given script application to be installed. As the encoded files are already precompiled, they are generally executed much faster and this will raise the general speed of your website.
IonCube in Website Hosting
If you obtain a website hosting through our company, it'll be created on our custom-built cloud hosting platform where ionCube Loader is already installed, so you will not have any problems to manage any script app which needs the instrument to run appropriately. In addition, we supply several different versions of PHP, so in case you change the version, you'll need to enable ionCube once again. Our system remembers the changes you make, so in case you move back to the previous version of PHP which was active for your account, ionCube Loader will already be turned on. Both the PHP version as well as the ionCube tool can be managed through the PHP Configuration area of our Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Any change that you make takes literally just a single click and it will take effect instantly.